06 January 2012

Corporations are People

"Corporations are People." At least, that's what Mitt Romney says.

What kind of people are they?
  • They are people who should pay less taxes (25% instead of 35%, according to Mitt).
  • They are people who can deduct 100% of their expenses.
  • They are people who enjoy limited liability for whatever they do.
  • They are people who pay no death tax, because they are immortal.
  • Some Republican candidates even believe they should pay no taxes if they establish overseas sweat shops (see point #12).
  • A proposed tax holiday on repatriated corporate income (point #12 again) means corporations get amnesty for illegally immigrating income, but real people immigrating illegally do not.
  • They can exercise their free speech in the form of unlimited campaign contributions.
They are the 1%.

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