06 December 2011

What are your Human Rights?

I hear all sorts of wild claims about "X is a human right".  So I thought I would compile a list of these claims, ranked by google popularity.

These results are of course highly suspect, since google's first approximation and final count can vary to the point of having no relation to each other.  For example, a search for "income is a human right" gives me an estimate of 144,000 results on the first page, and a final count of 25 (even including duplicates!) on the third page.

Among the things beating out "life" as a basic human right are internet access, abortion, and credit.  A satellite dish is a more popular human right than liberty.  Suicide ranks higher than survival.  Even flying is a human right, despite the fact that humans are not birds.

(click the read more link to see the table)

"X is a human right" approximate
water 466
education 464
housing 460
food 455
internet access 452
abortion 451
information 449
sanitation 442
health care 436
sport 436
water and sanitation 431
freedom 430
health 427
privacy 417
internet 391
marriage 391
healthcare 388
self-defense 351
freedom of expression 337
love 328
development 325
literacy 325
environment 325
equality 322
credit 321
life 300
peace 247
access to information 240
clean air 235
sex 203
communication 202
clean environment 198
energy 194
maternal health 190
work 189
property 188
shelter 187
language 174
free speech 167
web access 165
collective bargaining 158
tourism 156
dignity 147
self-determination 146
freedom from poverty 128
reproductive health 127
democracy 121
social security 116
gay marriage 115
a satellite dish 112
sexuality 110
vengeance 102
healthy environment 100
liberty 100
homosexuality 98
mental health 97
accessibility 93
participation 93
freedom of movement 92
dental care 86
vaccination choice 85
affordable housing 81
equity 78
suicide 76
family planning 75
sign language 72
acknowledging alternatives 71
right to strike 71
broadband 70
environmental security 70
palliative care 70
freedom of religion 69
writing 67
queer love 65
connectivity 64
being wired 64
journalism 61
freedom of information 58
hope 58
safe climate 57
survival 56
food security 56
striking 55
begging 52
equal money 50
enforcement of protective orders 50
self-defence 49
birth 46
breastmilk 45
opinion 45
freedom from pain 44
standing up for economic rights 44
seeking asylum 43
freedom of association 42
electricity 42
reproduction 40
vengeance killing 38
protection from domestic violence 38
marriage equality 38
vaccination 37
flying safely 37
flying 37
same-sex marriage 37
gender apartheid 37
euthanasia 36
distraction 36
to defame religion 34
identity 34
play 33
access to government information 32
chillout 31
extremely strict gun control 29
sound money 29
genetic testing 29
secularism 28
feeling things 28
heat 25
income 24
gun control 23
heritage 20
birth control 20
pursuit of happiness 18
hate 16
wellcare 16
broadband access 15
resistance against occupation 15
pizza 15
objective criticism of religion 15
dignified work 14
anything I want 10
family reunion 9
basic income 8
wearing miniskirts 8
child protection 8
being comfortable at the end of life 8
science 7
occupy shelter 7
social welfare 6
owning a home 6
marijuana use 5
suppression of self-defense 5
harm reduction 5
online free expression 4
pepper spray 4
immortality 4
dustainable development 4
decency 4
medical service 2
anaphylaxis law 2
heat in the winter 1
self-respect 1
urban mobility 1
a road 1

Methodology: Nominations were gathered from a search for "is a human right", and then counts were gathered by a screen scraper which requested the 1000th result and read how many google actually claims to have found on the last page of its search results.

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